Bankroll Sit And Go

  1. Bankroll management (BRM)​​ Spin and go’s are, compared to other poker-formats variance-heavy. To play Spins comfortable, we advise having 200 buy-ins. You could take some shots with a 100x bankroll-management, but when you do this, you should be ready to move down in stakes as soon as you have only 100x buy-ins left for the limit below.
  2. Yep, no more sit&go's there. There instead they have put 2 or 3 tables with limit cash game tables (2/4 euro blinds, minimum buy-in 40 euro). Those are very popular, and usually you will have to get on the waiting list. No limit cash game tables start with 5/10 euro blinds, and minimum buy-in 250 euro I believe.

When to Move Up Levels and Managing Your Sit and Go Bankroll

A steady rate of return will mean you can move up to the $10+1 Sit and Go’s when your bankroll hits $220 and then the $20+2 level at $440. This can be increased to the $30+3 buy-in level for those recreational players who play Turbo Sit and Go’s or play more than 4 tables at once, this increase is due to the increased variance of those games.

Bankroll management for Sit and Go’s is largely dependant on what kind of player you are. There is a large difference between the bankroll requirements for an online professional and that of the recreational player who enjoys playing for fun and profit.

The most important factor with your poker bankroll is that this should be large enough to withstand the natural ‘variance’ of the game. Even the world’s best poker players can go on runs of bad cards or bad beats. If you ensure that your bankroll can ride out such swings then you will be in a position to show a profit over time.

BankrollBankroll sit and go heads up

Moving up buy-in levels in Sit and Go’s is in turn influenced by your bankroll. If you are able to beat your current level at a reasonable return then it is probably time to move up. It is equally important that a player is prepared to move back down levels should the results go against them.

The nature of Sit and Go play means that small samples are unlikely to fully represent a true picture of your skill level, many people consider 1000 Sit and Go’s to be the minimum sample for an accurate reflection of this. Unless you play many tables at a time this many games will take a prohibitively long time to play!

Turbo Sit And Go Bankroll Management

Skill levels of opponents at the lowest levels do not vary significantly. A player who is able to beat $3 Sit and Go’s should equally be able to beat the $5’s and then $10’s. As you approach the middle-limits of $20 to $50 your return will start to shrink. This is due to both the generally increased skill levels of opponents and the number of multi-table internet ‘pro’ players at these levels. $100 and upward Sit and Go will feature relatively few poor players, your opponents here will understand bubble play well and each players return will be correspondingly lower.

For the recreational player who joins 1 or 2 tables at any one time a good starting bankroll guideline would be 20 buy-ins for the level at which you play. For example with a $110 bankroll you could play 20 x $5+50c Sit and Go’s. A steady rate of return will mean you can move up to the $10+1 Sit and Go’s when your bankroll hits $220 and then the $20+2 level at $440. This can be increased to the $30+3 buy-in level for those recreational players who play Turbo Sit and Go’s or play more than 4 tables at once, this increase is due to the increased variance of those games.

Those who rely on poker for their main source of income will need a larger starting bankroll. At least 50 times the buy-in level you are playing is recommended. Getting a reasonable hourly income from Sit and Go tournaments will require playing multiple tables. This will mean it is more difficult to make accurate reads on opponents – reducing return per tournament and increasing the natural variance.

Bankroll Sit And Go

The key factor in playing multiple tables is the increase in hourly rate rather than overall return. For example someone playing 6 Turbo Sit and Go’s simultaneously would be able to play 12 games per hour at a 10% return. This compares favorably with 4 tabling regular Sit and Go’s at a 20% return during the same hour.

Bankroll Sit And Goes

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a recreational player looking to make some extra cash from your favourite hobby, managing your Sit and Go bankroll correctly and playing at the right level for you will increase your long term winnings and profits.

Bankroll Sit And Go Double Stroller

Good luck at the tables!