Playing Texas Holdem For A Living

I recently discovered that I had $13 left in my Bovada account. I used to enjoy playing hold ‘em online, but I got out of the hobby a few years ago to focus more on my business. I’ve startedplaying again.

One of the best things about playing Texas Hold’em poker in Las Vegas is the fact it’s the only game in the casino with no house edge. The tourists spinning the slots, or playing blackjack, craps or roulette are all in a battle against a giant: the casino. And he’s a giant who struts into battle with a decidedly mathematical advantage. Texas Hold’em poker is everywhere these days — on TV, online, and in clubs and casinos. Before you sit down to a game of Texas Hold ’em, make sure you’re in good shape to be successful — take care of non-poker issues and check your physical, mental, and financial status. During the game, you need. This is a discussion on Minimum Limit You Can Play To Make A Living within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; I would guess $1/$2 is the minimum stakes you could play at NL.

Since I have such a small bankroll, I’m playing in the micro stakes games: $0.02/$0.05 no limit hold ‘em.

I’ve noticed something about my playing tendencies, too:

Computer Texas Holdem Free

I’m not aggressive enough.

If you’ve been playing for any length of time, you probably know that players can be categorized according to how many hands they play AND by how aggressively they play them.

Players who play a lot of hands are loose. Players who don’t are tight.

Players who bet and raise a lot are aggressive. Players who check and call a lot are passive.

Combining these tendencies puts players into four categories:

  1. Tight and aggressive
  2. Tight and passive
  3. Loose and aggressive
  4. Loose and passive

Some people like to organize this information into a table, and it makes it easier to understand:

TightTight – Aggressive (TAG)Tight – Passive (Rock)
LooseLoose – Aggressive (Maniac)Loose – Passive (Calling station.)

Every beginning poker book I’ve ever read suggested that tight aggressive is the style to aim for. You should only play good hands, and when you do play them, you should be betting and raisingwith them.

I’ve also seen poker advice that suggested loose aggressive play, at least in some situations. It’s easy to see how that approach might make you a lot of money at a table full of tight players.Loose aggressive players are called maniacs.

I’ve never seen anyone suggest that a tight passive or a loose passive approach wins in the long run.

Playing Texas Hold'em For A Living

Players who are tight and passive are called rocks. They eventually lose a lot of money in blinds.

Loose passive players are called calling stations. They let too many players draw to too many hands, effectively eliminating any advantage they might occasionally have.

Which style of Texas hold ‘em do you play?


Playing Texas Holdem For A Living Game

I’ve noticed that I’m losing lately, and it’s not because I’m playing too many hands. It’s because I’m not betting and raising enough with the hands I do play. I’m too scared that I’ll lose mybankroll and have to quit. I’m not sure how easy or hard it will be to deposit more money into my Bovada account.

So I’m a rock, and I’m losing.

Lesson: Realizing why you’re losing is a step in the right direction.